The calendar in use colse to is the Gregorian calendar which is named after the Pope Gregory Xiii who banned the use of the Julian calendar in 1582. The Julian calendar has the vernal equinox and had a tendency of drifting backwards through the year. The Julian calendar had been designed and implemented by Julius Caesar in 46 Bc. The current calendar has the year start on January 1 and end on December 31 bringing about a relative consistency in the seasons, festivals and celebrations through the year.
Many Christians celebrate the New Year by having images of the New Year Baby symbolizing rebirth. This is a time when the habitancy originate a new sense of bonding, faith, accountability and emotional ties. Someone else tradition is singing Auld Lang Syne which means "the good old days". Some habitancy believe that their fate while the year is thought about by the type of food they eat on January 01. These habitancy make a grand meal which includes black-eyed peas.
"First footing" is Someone else institution in some communities where the members of a household do not leave the home until a visitor graces them on this day. They give the visitor a gift and then are free to go out and visit their friends and family. Someone else New Year tradition is the manufacture of resolutions to do something different in the upcoming year, starting on the 1st like losing weight, or stopping a habit like smoking.
In some countries, the big cities design parades which are attended by those in the area. If the parade is televised, some pick to watch the event from the comfort of their homes. Some hours before the New Year's Day parade, there are football games which some habitancy watch live at the stadium and others watch on television as the meal for the day is being prepared if the morning was spent resting from the New Year's Eve party.
The final event for the day is the firework display in the night. It is believed that the noise chases the evil spirits away thus allowing the good fortune to enter the year.
Christians have a big to-do colse to New Year. Many attend balls, parties, church services and spend much money on clothing and food. New Year's Eve parties are well attended all over the world and a few minutes before midnight habitancy pay close attention to the clock so that they can welcome in the New Year at exactly midnight with much noise, fireworks, hooting car horns, whistles, screams, and the like. They will also hug and kiss each other while saying "Happy New Year."
For those loaded with energy, they continue reveling through the night until morning. Others opt to go to sleep at colse to one in the morning with the plan to pick up the celebrations later in the day.
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