Over the years I have used thank you's to cultivate more futile ground for business. Although not everyone mines for gold this way there are many who understand the value of being pleasant and letting everyone know who you are and what you do. When you leave a tip after a good evening meal you are thanking them for good service. When you leave your tip and your company card you are thanking them and offering the same good aid in return. This technique has proven to serve me well. I sell real estate in Metro Detroit. I was asked to speak with my friend, Dave Beson, at an event in Atlanta Georgia. The host was paying for evening meal but I asked if he would mind if I left my card. I wrote a quick thank you on the back. The waiter was originally from Metro Detroit and ultimately referred two clients that turned into sales.
When I had a listing appointment and knew that the homeowner was also interviewing someone else agent I would have a hot pie delivered while their interview. This led to a thank you of someone else kind. The competing agent from the night before would call and say "Hey Ralph I didn't get the listing but I appreciate the pie. Next time the pie will be from me!"
Olivia Barker wrote in Usa Today that Today, when gratitude is expressed in writing, it's often done grudgingly, as compulsion rather than art -